Monday, November 3, 2008

Labs, Presidents, and Compounds

Today was a good day in school. In spite of doing absolutely NOTHING in p.e class when we were supposed to be skating . In science class we did a lab on what foods contain starch? In social studies class Ms.Vick had us write a letter to the future president about what we think his top priorities should be...I hope I'm writing to Obama and not McCain. Surprisingly I sort of enjoyed it! Math class was pretty normal . Ms Spencer basically wanted us realize it was second quarter and she wasn't playing with us. She had us write 2ND QUARTER large in our warm-up journal....okay?! Anyway she also showed us this chart about loosing grade points. Anyway in Reading class we talked about compound subjects and compound verbs. We had a lot of homework in total but it is sooo easy! So that was my day.